dimanche 26 août 2012


There are few good things in love
To be happy look down before you look above
Sometimes you wish to die just to get rest
But this choice is not the best
You need some time to make him laugh
Couple years is not enough
Take your chance to apologize
Better to do that before the sunrise
Believe me or not
Don’t be afraid of your past it's your shadow
To know the real pain ask a new widow
Don’t matter about who you face in this life
You better start searching for a good wife
Amazing things happen when you respect others
In each way you move there are few borders 
Repair yourself, life's not fair 
And control yourself because "Allah" is everywhere 
Believe me or not
You need to think again about your actions
And about people fillings, about their reactions
Face your fears don't run away 
Believe me or not, real courage has one way
Make your friends close and make your enemies closer
The man without friends is the big loser
If you didn't get me, don't ask why 
You will know what I mean when you about to die.
Obeidi Baha Eddine

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